My interests..

..are primarily focused on the exploration of ultracold quantum gases with numerical techniques. In particular, I am interested in systems that feature some sort of imbalance such as mass and/or spin asymmetry. To this end, I use and develop Monte Carlo methods in a variety of flavors.

This is a short overview on some of my recent projects - for the full experience you can find my work on arXiv.

Fermi mixtures: mass imbalance

Many recent quantum gas experiments involve mixtures of two atomic species. For two fermionic species an unequal mass could lead to interesting consequences such as inhomogeneous pairing at low temperature. Theoretically, however, these systems are challenging to treat due to the reduced symmetry. Within this project, we investigated the applicability of two comsasdputational methods (iHMC & CL) to study mass-imbalanced systems by performing a case study for 1D fermions. We observe excellent agreement among the methods and obtain ground-state equations of state as a function of the coupling.

Complex Langevin (CL)

Whenever we want to study fermionic many-body systems with Monte Carlo methods we face a major road-block: the sign-problem. It causes the algorithms to scale exponentially with increasing system size and so we quickly run out of steam even on the largest available HPC clusters.
Recent progress in the area of high-energy physics inspired us to adapt the so-called complex Langevin method to ultracold quantum systems as a way to circumvent this nasty problem. The method itself is known since the mid 80s and has had mixed success due to some mathematical shortcomings for certain theories. However, it turns out that it is a valuable tool in the study of ultracold Fermi gases, as we have shown for a variety of imbalanced systems.

From few to many with Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC)

It turns out, that the answer to the question "How many is many?" poses a formidable challenge and is highly dependent on the spatial dimension. Nevertheless, an answer is needed to know when we can reliably use effective many-body descriptions to infer macroscopic propierties of the system under study. While there are certain exact solutions available in one dimension, these work best in the thermodynamic limit and exact numbers for finite systems are often challenging to come by. In larger spatial dimensions, exact solutions are entirely unkown and thus numerical studies are our only way to address these questions.
Within a series of projects we have characterized this crossover for low-dimensional two-component Fermi gases interacting via a contact interaction. The numerical calculations have been performed with the Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) approach which relies on an efficient global updating scheme (in fact, this algorithm is the workhorse in computational high-energy physics). Our analysis includes a large variety of quantities for the one-dimensional case ranging from energies and Tan's contact parameter to one- and two-body density matrices. For the two-dimensional case we highlight the efficiency of our method and compute energies and momentum distributions across the crossover from the weakly interacting BCS regime to the strongly coupled BEC limit.